Spaces & Places

I'm definitely one of those teachers who rearranges all the spaces and places in my classroom all. the. TIME. And you know what? I feel like it's always getting a little bit better. With the exception, of course, for the month of May. In May, everything is a little crooked, a little off center, and a little crazy looking. Here's a peek into my room during the bat-shit crazy last month of school!

^Our Snap Word Wall (overflowing), Job Board, Smooshed Pillows, and Extra Hanging Headphones (clearly with one missing)

^Close up on the Job Board (missing headphones and all) -- the extra numbers live in the little gray tote to the right of the board...that's totally covering up part of a job description. Ha!

^One of my favorite phrases above a little "catch-all" whiteboard we have up front. as you can see, the extra step-by-step visual direction cards are slowly but surely slipping down the whiteboard in this picture... #ohwell "yougetwhatyougetinmay

^A little classroom library love! I also store math centers, box top collection, the turn in basket, and extra papers in this area. The library is currently sorted by subject but I am working on leveling it! Honestly, I've reorganized my classroom library at least 4 times and never seem to be quite happy with it. Below is a close up! 

I hope you enjoyed the honest, imperfect, slightly crooked version of my home away from home!
